Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What's In The Center?

In my post yesterday I talked about the power of words and some of the different ways we wield them - both for good and for ill.  I asked you to take a look at a couple of well-crafted phrases that I've seen used to describe Christian universities and/or ministry communities and share what you thought the difference/s between them might be.  The two phrases were:
Student-Centered Christian Community
Christ-Centered Student Community
I didn't get anyone to bite.  I don't blame you.  I know it can be intimidating to scribe your thoughts to the wall of a blog when 1) you don't know who else might read it, and 2) you don't know where the author is headed.  Maybe today's post will evoke some response!

I'd like to suggest that these two, nearly identical, phrases are actually quite different.  As you might have assumed, it has everything to do with what's placed at the center.

In a student-centered Christian community we are admitting to the fact that the Christian faith is a part of the DNA of the community, but based on the intentional order and structure of the this four word phrase it would seem that it is ultimately the 'student-centered' part of the community that everything else will yield to.  It is the student, and the wants and needs of the students, that are believed to be the most important thing... and as a result, all decisions and actions are based on that.

Conversely, in a Christ-centered student community we are intentionally placing Christ at the center of our community and/or ministry.  In this context it is Christ's desires - as best we can know and discern them, and not the students, that everything will yield to.  In this context it's not that we don't care for the needs and desires of students, it's just that they are not give ultimate priority or authority in how we move or live as a community.  

In the student-centered community I believe we feed the consumeristic nature of our student culture, telling them, "YOU are the most important thing here and WHATEVER you want or need I will try to make happen... as we learn to love Jesus together." 

In the Christ-centered community we attempt to intentionally put Jesus back on the throne of our lives and community by together trying to live in ways that show our full love for Him and for one another. This way of living is what we see exemplified in the Bible by those who love God and seek to follow as a disciple of Jesus. It is a way of life and thinking that is very different from what we see exhibited in our world today.
So, of these two community/ministry models, which describes your current setting?

What kind of influence can you be in trying to live out a more Christ-centered context?

As always, I'd love to know what you think!