Saturday, March 13, 2010

How Do You Handle Adversity?

How do you handle adversity? I mean real adversity...

Are you the type of leader that:
  • curls up in the fetal position and waits for someone else to make something happen?
  • struggles to keep it together?
  • breaks down, but ultimately pushes through?
  • or do you live by the motto 'I will adapt and overcome'?
The way we deal with adversity speaks loudly to those who are watching. Especially students!

If we freak out under the stress and pressure of the situation than our students will likely follow suit. If we're a bit shakey, but ultimately were able to keep it together... that will say something to students. But if we're able to show confidence that, despite our current circumstances, we believe God will work on our behalf... than I think this can a powerful and lasting impact on those who you're with.

Today has been a day of attempting to 'adapt and overcome'. Based on a couple of comments I've overheard from students... I must be doing a decent job. I find it is pretty easy to have faith that God will work something out because I've been doing this long enough to see how He's done it in the past. For students who haven't experienced something like this before... it can be a little more challenging.

So how do you deal with adversity when it rises up?