Tuesday, November 3, 2009

left to interpret

Do you ever find yourself scratching your head because of what's going on around you?

The last couple of weeks have been filled with head-scratching experience after experience... and I find myself wondering what it all means.

As a ministry leader I find myself desiring to fully believe in those around me... and what they tell me... but when actions seem to contradict what has been said, or is being said, it necessitates interpretation.

There are three interpretive options that I see:
  1. I could choose to interpret things on my own. This seems like the easiest option... but potentially the most damaging. It's amazing the kinds of lenses that we can begin to see things through when the circumstances around us are creating disruption to our lives.
  2. I could ask others what they think is going on. While this might help us to see beyond our own nose... and possibly from a different perspective... it has the potential to yield inaccurate information, as well as create an environment of talking behind the backs of others.
  3. I could go right to the source (or sources). This is by far the best option... but obviously the most uncomfortable because of its confrontational nature. Approaching your brother or sister-in-Christ is a Biblical model for dealing with conflict. Consider Jesus' words in Matthew 15:18, If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over.
Interpretation is a part of life...

So, what do you do when your life or circumstances are in need of interpretation?

How do you approach people or issues in your life that you need to confront?

I'd love to know what you think!

Grace and peace!!