Friday, February 19, 2010

How to Best Reach Your Students

How are you reaching your students?

Do you know?

I found myself struggling to answer these questions toward the end of the fall semester. And what made matters worse was the fact that I have been in this ministry setting for 4.5 years!

Unfortunately I had fallen into a trap that I think a lot of us in ministry are prone to... attempting to use what has worked - or is working - in other ministry contexts, in our current context.

We think, quite naturally, that if it worked "there" than it should work here... right!?

And we hope that it does. Because we know how to do "that." We were good at "that." "That" has become quite easy for us...

Sometimes, however, it goes beyond our ministry programs, to something less obvious... like our approach.

I've come to believe that our ministries, or the various programs within our ministries, take on one of three forms:
  • Pastoral. Those programs that are geared towards our students who already believe and are bought into making faith central to their life and their college experience. We LOVE these... don't we?!
  • Missional. Those programs that are designed to reach out to those who do not know the love of Christ, or those who walked away some time ago. Depending on the kind of campus you serve on, this could take on a much larger or smaller percentage of your programming... regardless, it NEEDS to be a part of all of our ministries!
  • Prophetical. Yep, I said. And it wasn't until I was earnestly praying sometime last semester that God opened my eyes to this. Just as there was in the time of the Divided Kingdoms of Israel and Judah - many of God's people had chosen other priorities... and forsaken their First Love. This population of our campus community NEEDS to be awakened to their present state and lack of Kingdom priorities... but I'm not exactly sure how to best go about that... because the Old Testament I read depicts prophets who served God faithfully and were constantly met with resistance, opposition, threats, beatings and even death!
As we grow in our understanding of the campus culture that we are called to serve, I believe that we must also determine how best to reach the different kinds of students we have.

Not all will be ready for a pastor.

Some will need a missionary to share the good news of Jesus...

And others will need the kick in the pants that only a prophet can bring!

What do you think?

Grace and peace to you as you reach out to each and every one of them!