Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Catalyst - Day 2 - Matt Chandler & Running the Race!

"Some of us get the ministry of Moses. Some Joshua." Matt Chandler

This is an important reminder for me today. Or any day that individuals raise questions about our leadership, ministry, direction, character, etc.

Today is one of those days for me.

I got the chance to hear Matt Chandler, Lead Pastor of The Village Church, speak on Day 2 of the Catalyst conference last week. He is good stuff. A deep well!

The focus of his message to the 13,000 of us that sat at attention was simply to: "run the race that God has marked off for us!" (Heb. 12) For some of us that will be the ministry of Moses - one filled with following God with great faithfulness, but feeling fought by those that we are trying to serve every step of the way. Recall that it did not take the Israelites long to start second-guessing Moses/God upon their great departure from Egypt. The 40 years of wandering in the desert, covered in the book of Numbers, seems to encapsulate the majority of Moses time spent in leadership of the Israelites - who whined and complained almost unceasingly. The end of Moses leadership is chronicled in Deuteronomy - where he charges the Israelites to, 1) remember how faithful God has been in the past - as they have been faithful to Him, 2) recommit themselves to God and the covenant, and 3) pass the baton of leadership off to Joshua.

Joshua then got the glorifying task of leading God's people into the Promised Land. Moses had served his time, spent day after day after day leading an ungrateful people who just couldn't seem to get it. And then Joshua got to complete the task that was originally charged to Moses - to take the Promised Land.

Some of us get the ministry of Moses. Some Joshua.

Today I feel like a Moses. It's never fun to hear of people calling you, or your ministry, into question... especially if you believe you are following the leadership of God.

The people of God often "suggested" to Moses what they thought would be best. Moses struggled with trying to lead a people that seemed more interested in having their own needs met then tending to what God wanted for them.

This was how Moses spent his life. This is how I've spent my morning.

How do we walk the narrow path of discerning and following the direction of God, especially when it seems to trend against what "the people" are wanting?

College students in particular seem to be quite sure of "what they want" and much less aware - and open to - what the actually need. It gets even more confusing when its our student leaders raising the questions. Do they really see something?? Or have they become so enamored with their own role and sense of importance that they now think they've got it all figured out??

Have you ever experienced anything like this?

I'd love to hear your thoughts! Please keep our campus community in your prayers!! I truly believe that God desires to do a new/great work in our midst.

Grace and peace.