Thursday, May 27, 2010

Free-Falling [Like Wile E.]

As a kid I loved watching cartoons on Saturday mornings.  I especially liked watching Wile E. Coyote attempt to catch the Roadrunner - forever without success - he always made me laugh!

As I've observed our students for the past 5 years attempt to transition into this place [spiritually speaking] the best [and most unfortunate] image that comes to mind is the one to the left.

80% of our students self-identify as Christians.

What that means [for them] exactly, I don't know.  They may check the 'Christian' box on their admissions application simply because they think it might help them to get in.  Maybe it does really mean something to them. The reality is, however, that once our students get on campus far too many of them get drawn of course [spiritually] by their own roadrunners.

What they are failing to see is that the 'spiritual momentum' they come to campus with will only keep them 'on course' for so long before 'gravity' take over and these students - who honestly desired to make their faith central to their college experience [and life] - are in a spiritual free-fall.

For some, the free fall is short lived, as students recognize the spiritual void in their lives and make the necessary adjustments in their priorities.  For others, however, the free fall may last well beyond their college years.  

Our campuses are filled with SO many great opportunities for students.  There is SO much that vies for their attention and beckons them to commit.  

So, how do we:

  • awaken them to their spiritual need?
  • challenge them in how they make priorities?
  • provide the kind of environment that draws students in?
  • create opportunities for new students to spiritually transition well?
I'd love to hear your thoughts!